Welcome and read this first: Forum Tutorial

Welcome to the ZTX Forum!

A place to Discuss ZTX Community proposals and governance votes.

Here are some things you can do to get started:

:speaking_head: Introduce yourself by adding your ZTX Avatar pfp and information about yourself and your interests to your profile. What got you into ZTX?

:open_book: Get to know the community by browsing discussions that are already happening here. When you find a post interesting, informative, or entertaining, use the :heart: to show your appreciation or support!
Best way to navigate this forum is to Start on the main page and click categories from there. We have:

  • Welcome Category - you are here right now. This category is where all problems, website improvement suggestions, and requests for help should be posted.
  • Financial District - This category is for $ZTX token, DeFi, financial discussions
  • Art District - For discussions on next artist collaborations and creator needs.
  • Games District - All about ZTX gameplay, minigames, other online product experiences.
  • Fashion District - wearables, partnerships, and self-expression
  • ZIP - ZTX Improvement Proposals - This is where final versions of proposals are posted after discussion in other channels - and before official voting!

:handshake: Contribute by commenting, asking questions, or starting your new topics. Before replying or starting new topics, please review the Community Guidelines.

If you need help or have a suggestion, feel free to ask in ZTX Discord - our Discord channel #downtown is very active and we will get back to you promptly - you can also contact the admins here on the forum.