Creating a ZTX Improvement Proposal (ZIP): Rules and Guidelines

This section of the forum is where final versions of proposals are put after discussions in other forum parts. This is the last step before an on-chain vote via Snapshot. Full process outline:

Steps to creating a proposal :scroll:

STEP 1: Create a discussion thread on the forum and discuss your ideas

  • Start a Discussion on the topic of your proposal in one of the channels
  • For all discussions, feel free to use the Template at the bottom of this message!
  • Engage with the community by responding to questions and addressing concerns.
  • Ensure there is sufficient engagement with the community and that the discussion phase takes at least 7 days

STEP 2: Implement feedback and reach out to ZTX team

  • After the discussion phase, implement changes and feedback,
  • Then reach out to ZTX team/ moderators in Discord for review of Proposal.
  • ZTX team reserves the right to adjust and choose proposals based on their feasibility and alignment with the ongoing game development.

STEP 3: Official ZTX Improvement Proposal (ZIP) will be posted in Governance-Proposals

  • Once approved, ZTX Team will assign a unique number to your proposal and it will be posted in the ZTX-Improvement-Proposals (ZIP) section.
  • An informal poll can be attached to the vote on the forum to temperature-check readers opinion on the proposal

Steps to Official Snapshot Vote :ballot_box:

The process above outlines only the path to a final structured proposal with necessary number. The final voting happens by holders of $ZTX tokens, through the Snapshot Platform. How do we go from final posted proposal to a Snapshot vote?

STEP 1: Proposal must receive engagement from the wider community

  • The proposal must receive sufficient engagement through forum posts by several different community members, participation in the informal poll, or discussion through the ZTX community channels.

STEP 2: Proposal is put to vote on snapshot by ZTX team

  • Information about the vote going live is posted on socials and Discord for visibility
  • Outcomes of the vote are announced once the vote is over

For all discussions and proposals, we encourage use of the following format: :point_down:

Template for writing ZTX Improvement Proposal (ZIP)

ZIP Number: [Will be assignmed by ZTX team]


[Provide a simple description of the proposal’s end result and desired change. This should be no more than 2-3 sentences]


[Explain why this proposal is necessary or useful for ZTX. Add visual elements such as charts to support your arguments if possible.]


[Lay out your proposal, explaining how it will address the issue at hand and present the action items. Be precise with the timeframes required and resources needed]

Informal Poll + Next steps Timeline

An informal poll will be attached to proposals to have a “temperature check” of readers opinions. The polling period will be specified here, with the default of a week.

If quorum and sufficient engagement are reached, a formal Snapshot vote will be put up at [HHUTC on DD/MM/YYYY].

Here, outline the options for vote:
For: [Action to be taken if this proposal is accepted.]

Against: [Action to be taken if this proposal is rejected.]