I have some suggestions to improve the Crafting Forge by making it easier to search the Organics and Minerals during forging:

**This topic is for all Districts **

  • Search Functionality: It would be beneficial to add a search box within the Crafting Forge that allows users to search for Organics and Minerals. This would enable players to quickly locate and utilize unused Organics or Minerals that they have planted or extracted. For example, if a player searches for “silk,” all relevant Body, Consumables, placeables and wearables involving silk would automatically pop up.

  • Recipe Memory: Currently, players need to memorize each recipe they want to craft. This can be challenging, especially during quests that require harvesting specific items, like a Legendary CEDAR for a daily quest. If players could search for “CEDAR” in the Crafting Forge, the specific Body, Consumables, placeables and wearables associated with cedar would appear directly. This would allow players to use their harvested Organics ahead of time or easily identify the items they need to forge. So we can use those unused resources by searching it.

  • Additional Recipe Display: When searching for an item like “silk,” not only should the relevant items pop up, but the search results should also include any additional ingredients needed for the recipes. For instance, if a recipe requires 3 SILK and 4 OAK, both items should be displayed. This feature would make it easier to recognize and gather all necessary items by simply searching for the primary ingredient.

These enhancements would streamline the crafting process and improve the overall user experience. This is the example below, I try to search a SILK those Item will pop automatically if we have that features.